About Me!

Hi, I’m Kayla!

I have always had a love for baking since I was a little kid.  I started baking with my mom and grandma when I was younger and haven’t stopped since. 

Throughout my life, I’ve started many hobbies and quit most after a few months or years, but baking has always stuck. Most people as they grow up their dream job changes, but not mine. I have always wanted to own a bakery of my own. On Most birthdays starting in Elementary, I would have friends come over and bake and decorate mini cakes or cupcakes. In middle school, I took my first Wilton cake decorating class. In high school, I started getting into baking and trying any desserts I could find.

During my first year of college, I came home on most weekends to make a cake or some kind of dessert. It’s always been a stress reliever for me. In my second year of college, I decided to go to Culinary School at Oklahoma State University of Technology. In 2021 I graduated with an Associates in Culinary and Pastry Arts. Even though I went through Culinary school, I am mostly self-taught. 

When Covid first started I lost my job due to a company merger. I struggled to find a job, so I started Cakes by Kayla, which later transitioned into Okie Red’s Bakery. 

Where did Okie Red come from…?

Every redhead knows they will inevitably be called “Red” most of their life. Several of my family members have called me Red most of my life. My grandpa has called me Okie Red for as long as I can remember and it has stuck ever since.

January 15, 2025